Azure monitoring and integration with CMDB
When gathering information from cloud stuff, or actually doing whatever with cloud staff you most often need the object's ID, that long hexastring. That same ID is also most used identifier and required information when trying to sync those cloud "devices" into ServiceNow CMDB. The issue is that SL1 Azure PP does not gather that information too much, one device class that we have so far found it is those actual VMs in cloud. But one could say that those are the only "devices" where it is easily found.
So my question is, how you have planned, or done, the CMDB integration of Azure cloud stuff. Or have you done any automation from SL1 to Azure, because also there one always(?) need that object ID.
I could have written also an Idea for this, but at least for me, Nexus does not support my ideas.
I believe this conversation has continued over on Ideas Hub and directly with our meetings. I'll mark this as solved here.