Forum Discussion

MikeOsborne's avatar
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3 months ago

Equinix Powerpack?

I am curious if anyone has built an Equinix powerpack to collect things such as port inventory, alarms, and maintenance events from Equinix API.

I'd be willing to share some of our packs in return :)

Thank you,


  • Hello Mike,

    We have 3 ways you can monitor devices when there is no official PowerPack available. The first is you can build your own dynamic apps to monitor the Equinix devices. Our documentation here Creating Dynamic Applications details this process.

    Second, you can reach out to your EM so they can get you assistance from our Professional Services team. Our Professional Services team will be able to build a solution that fits your business needs.

    Third, we recommend submitting this as a feature request to our Ideas Hub here Category: Ideas Hub | Nexus ScienceLogic Community. Our Ideas Hub is managed directly by our Product Management team and this route may lead to an official SL1 supported Equinix PowerPack.

    Antonio Andres

    Senior Technical Support Engineer | ScienceLogic

  • I like to see posts like this! This could be a good topic for the PowerPack user group as well. 

  • Hello Mike,

    We have 3 ways you can monitor devices when there is no official PowerPack available. The first is you can build your own dynamic apps to monitor the Equinix devices. Our documentation here Creating Dynamic Applications details this process.

    Second, you can reach out to your EM so they can get you assistance from our Professional Services team. Our Professional Services team will be able to build a solution that fits your business needs.

    Third, we recommend submitting this as a feature request to our Ideas Hub here Category: Ideas Hub | Nexus ScienceLogic Community. Our Ideas Hub is managed directly by our Product Management team and this route may lead to an official SL1 supported Equinix PowerPack.

    Antonio Andres

    Senior Technical Support Engineer | ScienceLogic