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mtate's avatar
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13 days ago

Event Suppression for CPU Util overnight

We have a server/device that has expected high CPU utilisation overnight, is there a way in SL1 for us to suppress this CPU Utilisation event on this server/device for a few hours during the night wh...
  • jchivers's avatar
    12 days ago


    There are a number of ways of achieving this, here are four:

    1. If CPU utilization follows a fairly consistent pattern across the day, then change the CPU collection object to enable Deviation Alerting. This will create a threshold for each hour of day and day of the week. After (usually) 2 weeks, it will learn that high CPU usage over night is normal and change the threshold to stop alerting. Introduction to Dynamic Application Development
    2. Create two Device Templates, one of the day and one for the night, each with different threshold values for the CPU collection object. The have RBA schedule a script in the evening and morning to apply the relevant template.
    3. Revise the RBA Automation Policy for the CPU events to use a schedule so that RBA only reacts to the CPUI event during the day.
    4. If this use case becomes common for you, consider modifying the PowerFlow event SyncPack to include a lookup table for event classes that should only become incidents based oon a set schedule.