Forum Discussion

jamesramsden's avatar
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18 days ago

Terminal user timeouts

Since upgrading to 12.2.5, terminal sessions  get disconnected after around an hour, even when 'unset TMOUT'. 

Is there a way to change this so that user sessions are not dropped?



  • Hello James,

    In SL1 12.2, additional security controls were introduced to harden SL1 and make it more secure. By default, after a period of inactivity, or after a terminal session has been opened for an hour, the terminal session will disconnect. This is the intended behavior and cannot be changed.

    However, we also introduced tmux to the SSH sessions in 12.2. If you are working in a terminal session and it disconnects, tmux will save your session and you can simply reconnect to the same session and continue working.

    Antonio Andres

    Senior Technical Support Engineer | ScienceLogic

  • Hello James,

    In SL1 12.2, additional security controls were introduced to harden SL1 and make it more secure. By default, after a period of inactivity, or after a terminal session has been opened for an hour, the terminal session will disconnect. This is the intended behavior and cannot be changed.

    However, we also introduced tmux to the SSH sessions in 12.2. If you are working in a terminal session and it disconnects, tmux will save your session and you can simply reconnect to the same session and continue working.

    Antonio Andres

    Senior Technical Support Engineer | ScienceLogic