GQL queries with attributes
We have a need to automate lots of BSM service creations and I am struggling with GQL now. We have created attribute to be used for har query {customAttributes (first: 7, search: {name: {eq: "BSM_Region"}}) { edges { node {id label type entity alignmentType } } } } and that gives us: { "data": { "customAttributes": { "edges": [ { "node": { "id": "57", "label": "BSM_Region", "type": "string", "entity": "harProvider", "alignmentType": "extended" } } ] } } } If I then try to align that attribute to spesific service like this: mutation {alignCustomAttribute( attribute:57, entity: "cm03r2q3a807hs5mn8m4a1dga", value:"Koillismaan kauppa", type: harProvider ) {__typename} } It gives an error: { "errors": [ { "path": [ "alignCustomAttribute" ], "message": "The following id/ids: 57 could not be found. Failed to align custom attributes.", "extensions": { "code": "ID_NOT_FOUND" } } ], "data": { "alignCustomAttribute": null } } Some help needed here.Solved83Views0likes4Comments