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Using Skylar RCA for Root Cause Analysis

LasithaL's avatar
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16 days ago

Skylar Automated RCA is a great tool to help with application troubleshooting. There is no need to analyse thousands of logs lines. Skylar RCA will do that for you using AI technologies. In this article, I will share some tips on how to get started with log analysis with the Open Telemetry (OTel) collector. OTel is an open-source vendor-agnostic software to receive, process and export telemetry data including metrics, trace data, and logs.

This article assumes you already have a Skylar RCA account. If not, please contact your CSM for a 30-day trial of the product.

Step 1:

Contact ScienceLogic support to obtain a copy of the OTel collector.

Step 2:

Install the OTel collector as per installation steps (see the references section below)

Step 3:

Update the OTel configuration file. This is the otelcol.yaml file in otelcol-sciencelogic-zebrium_x86_64 directory. The following fields will need to be updated

  • Include attribute in filelog block to match the log file location(s)
  • regex in operators > type block. This needs to match the log file format. As a best practice, use a regular expression checker (for example, , to check your regular expression before updating the configuration file
  • endpoint and ze_token sections in the exporters block. These need to be copied from your Skylar RCA instance

Step 4:

Before sending logs to Skylar, it is recommended configuration is tested with local debugging. This can be achieved by using exporters: [debug] in the service: pipelines: logs: section of the otelcol.yaml config file. Also, in the receivers: filelog: section, add the line start_at: beginning to force the collector to read logs from the beginning. This will generate a log file in the logs sub-directory.

Step 5:

Restart the SciencelogicZebriumOpenTelemetryCollector service.

Step 6:

Once you are happy with the debug output, modify the config file so that logs will be sent to Skylar RCA. Remember to Restart the SciencelogicZebriumOpenTelemetryCollector service.

Step 7:

After a few minutes, check the Ingest History on the Skylar UI (in Ingest-history) to verify data is being received. Also, Diagnostics menu can provide useful information about how many log lines were received in the last 4 hours. Go to the Diagnostics menu and click on ‘Run Now’ button.


Skylar Automated RCA documentation:

Windows OTel collector:

Updated 16 days ago
Version 2.0
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