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Product Documentation

How many docs sites ARE there at

Mike_Jasper's avatar
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7 months ago

You mean there's not just one site?

If you go to, you might think that there is only one documentation site at that address. However, the ScienceLogic Documentation team maintains multiple "sites" at that location. Here's a quick primer on each site, and what you can find there.

The docs sites maintained by the Documentation team include the following:

  • - the "main" docs site, which contains all of the various in-depth manuals for the different features for SL1, SL1 PowerPacks, SL1 PowerFlow, and PowerFlow SyncPacks, along with additional supporting docs.
  • - the release notes site, which contains brief, release-specific documents for all ScienceLogic products.
  • - the Restorepoint site, which covers how to configure and use Restorepoint, a disaster recovery and secure configuration management appliance for network devices. 
  • - the Skylar Automated RCA (formerly Zebrium) site, which covers how to configure and use Skylar AI in conjunction with SL1 to automatically find the root cause of software issues.
    NOTE: Since this post went live, this site was updated to contain all of the Skylar products so far, include Skylar Automate RCA and Skylar Analytics, with more Skylar products coming soon. The Skylar products are also part of the main docs site as well: Skylar AI. The content is the same in both locations.

The following sites are hosted at the docs site, but are not maintained by the Documentation team:

  • - the SL1 developer documentation site, which includes docs for Low-code Tools, Snippet Framework, CLI Toolkit, Prometheus Toolkit, REST Toolkit, Snippet API, and the PowerPack Quality Assessment  Tool. Please note the the Documentation team only hosts these docs, but we do not actually write these docs (the developers do that).
  • - the Restorepoint RESTful API site, which is also hosted by the Documentation team but updated by the developers.

Typically the Documentation team updates the docs sites at least once a week, if not more often. Watch this space for more information about our documentation updates every week.

Updated 23 days ago
Version 2.0
  • Also, I realized I forgot to mention one site that the Doc team does not maintain, and that's the System Requirements page at the ScienceLogic Support site. That page is maintained by the various product owners at ScienceLogic.

    But if you do see an error on that page or have a question, if you let us know, we'll let the PMs and POs know...