2 Enhancements and multiple bug fixes.
Reminder: Restorepoint v5.5 is EOL on August 31, 2024.
- Enabled option to disable SSH strict host key validation between Strict (current) and None (logging when the key changed) on the global and device levels. (5.6)
- Implemented a retry mechanism for the archive process so that users can configure the number of retries and the retry interval, both set at 0 default. If configured, any archive process step that fails will be retried set number of times and the archive process will fail completely only if all the retries fail. (5.6)
Bug fixes:
- Addressed an issue in which users were unable to export single-selected .tgz files for configurations. These filetypes are now extracted to a directory so that when users attempt to export a single-selected file they are successful. (Case: 00445520) (5.6)
- Addressed an issue so that SSH key owners and permissions work properly when restoring an archive from CentOS6 to OL8. (Case: 00443673) (5.6)
- Addressed an issue in which SNMP fingerprint output tiles exposed security data. (Case: 00418761) (5.6)
- Updated startup logic so that backup sizes are calculated in the background, ensuring the user interface is instantly available. The Storage Data Usage page displays the message "Back up data size calculation in progress..." until it completes. (RES-3467)(5.6) (5.6)
- Improved the TCP Dump enumeration so that appliances with multiple NICs will determine which interface to dump with, trying until an interface provides dumping capability. Also improved error handling so that the TCP dumps that fail to start will issue error reports. (Case: 00427074) (5.6)
Published 7 months ago
Version 1.0ProductTeam
Joined March 25, 2024
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