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Restorepoint 5.6 20250312 RPM Agent Release
Hello – We are pleased to announce the release of the Restorepoint 5.6 20250312 RPM Agent. The following issues are addressed in this release: Updated the storage protocols for back connection user passwords to ensure that the agent's back connection user password is encrypted and that only the encrypted variant is stored in the configuration file. Relocated the FullTranscript global setting to the Notifications & Monitoring tab on the Edit Devices page as a new checkbox. When you enable the FullTranscript checkbox, transcripts will not be truncated for that device. NOTE: ScienceLogic recommends only enabling the FullTranscript setting on an as needed basis as keeping it enabled may cause performance issues. Addressed an issue that prevented global administrators from seeing command outputs on domain devices. (Case: 00495158) Thank you, Release Management6Views0likes0CommentsSL1 Ibiza 12.3.2 Release Notification
We are pleased to announce that SL1 Ibiza 12.3.2 is now available. The release and documentation can be accessed using the following links: If you are planning to consume SL1 Ibiza 12.3.2, be advised of the following: The 12.3.2 release is available only as a patch; there is no ISO version. You can upgrade to this release directly from the following releases: SL1 12.3.0 or 12.3.1 SL1 through 12.2.6 SL1 12.1.2, if all of your SL1 appliances have been converted to OL8. If you are on12.1.2, you should upgrade directly to 12.3.2 without consuming the 12.2.x releases. If you are on or 12.1.1, you can upgrade to 12.1.2, convert to OL8, and then upgrade directly to 12.3.2 without consuming the 12.2.x releases. 12.2.x and 12.3.0 STIG-compliant users can upgrade to this release. Users who are on an 11.x MUD system cannot upgrade directly to this release; they must first follow the approved conversion process from 11.x MUD to STIG and then upgrade to 12.3.2 STIG. For more information, see the section on STIG Support. AWS deployments that are using Aurora 3 can upgrade to this release. If you are currently deployed using Aurora 2, you can upgrade to this release but you must perform a post-upgrade Aurora 2 to 3 conversion. SL1 12.3.2 is Department of Defense Information Network (DoDIN)-certified. For more information, see the SL1 Ibiza 12.3.2 release notes.33Views1like0CommentsRestorepoint 5.6 20250305 Release
Hello, We're pleased to announce the release of Restorepoint 5.6 20250305. This release is a hotfix that contains the following update: Addresses an issue that prevented Restorepoint appliance backups restoration from restoring included device backup files correctly. Thank you, Release Management11Views0likes0CommentsAP2 release JellyBean
We're happy to announce that AP2 JellyBean release (8.18.43-81) is now available! This release includes: Enhancements to the Business Services and Service Investigator pages Reorganized Credentials page Improvements to the Dashboards and Create Widget pages Better device management on the Devices and Device Investigator pages Plus several additional new features and enhancements Please see the associated Release Notes for more information on these and other changes found in this release. You can download Jellybean and associated release notes following this link: release IcePop
We're happy to announce that AP2 IcePop release ( is now available! This release includes improvements to the Service Policy tab of the Service Investigator page, service policy management from the Edit Service Policy page; additional bulk actions on the Devices page and better visibility of event data on the Device Investigator. Please see the associated Release Notes for more information on these and other changes found in this release. You can download IcePop and associated release notes following this link: 20250226 Release
Hello, We are pleased to announce the Restorepoint 20250226 release, which includes the following update: Restorepoint user passwords are now stored as their salted and hashed variants* in the database. Restorepoint no longer stores the passwords in plain text. * Salting a password indicates that a random string of characters has been added to the password, and then the password is hashed, turning the salted password into unreadable ciphertext of fixed length. Thank you, Release Management14Views0likes0CommentsServiceNow Base SyncPack v3.8.2
Hello, We are pleased to announce the release of the ServiceNow Base version 3.8.2 SyncPack. The following feature was addressed in this release: Added updates to support "ServiceNow CMDB" SyncPack version 3.6.2. This release is made to work with SL1 version 12.1 or later SL1 PowerFlow version 2.6.0 or later Base Steps SyncPack version 1.5.5 or later ServiceNow version Tokyo or later, with Web Services enabled With the release of this SyncPack, older versions of the ServiceNow Base SyncPack have been suspended. Thank you, Release Management10Views0likes0CommentsServiceNow CMDB v3.6.2 SyncPack
Hello, We are pleased to announce the release of the ServiceNow CMDB v3.6.2 SyncPack. The following enhancements and issues were addressed in this release: Addressed an issue that caused incorrect relationships to be sent to ServiceNow when only child devices were sent for updates. (Case: 00492036) Addressed an issue with the "Sync Devices with SQL" application that caused the device collection mode/state to always show as "active" when synced to ServiceNow, regardless of the actual device state. (Case: 00489043) Addressed an issue where CI classes in ServiceNow with a 'region' field caused issues with disconnects being sent from PowerFlow. The 'region' field from ServiceNow on a CI is now saved on the Python object as "snow_ci_region". (Case: 00493761) Updated the SyncPack to correctly handle an SL1 platform change starting in version 12.1.0 for creating custom links through GraphQL. This release is made to work with SL1 version 12.1 or later SL1 PowerFlow version 2.6.0 or later Base Steps SyncPack version 1.5.5 or later ServiceNow Base SyncPack version 3.8.2 or later ServiceNow version Tokyo or later, with Web Services enabled ScienceLogic SL1: CMDB & Incident Automation certified application version 1.0.81 With the release of this SyncPack, older versions of the ServiceNow CMDB SyncPack have been suspended. Thank you, Release Management15Views0likes0CommentsWindows_PowerShell_Automations_v105_Py3 PowerPack Release Notification
We are pleased to announce that the Windows_PowerShell_Automations_v105_Py3 PowerPack has been released. The download for this release can be found on the Support Portal under the PowerPack filename: Enhancements and Issues Addressed This release includes the following features: Added a new Python 3.6 Execution Environment called "Windows PowerShell Automations v2.0" and updated the libraries for Python 3.6 compatibility. Updated the action type snippet code for Python 3.6 compatibility. Added the following run book automation policies to this PowerPack, and set the Policy Type for each to Active Events/User Initiated: Windows PowerShell: Run CPU & Memory Diagnostic Commands Windows PowerShell: Run CPU Diagnostic Commands Windows PowerShell: Run Disk I/O Diagnostic Commands Windows PowerShell: Run Disk Usage Diagnostic Commands Windows PowerShell: Run Memory Diagnostic Commands Windows PowerShell: Run Print Job Error Diagnostic Commands Please refer to the Windows_PowerShell_Automations_v105_Py3 PowerPack File Details in the PowerPacks section of the Support Portal for all information pertaining to the Windows_PowerShell_Automations_v105_Py3 PowerPack Support Status, Minimum SL1 Version, Solution Information, and Pricing Information. The Windows_PowerShell_Automations_v105_Py3 PowerPack Release File Details also contains links to the Release Notes, Manual, and PowerPack Info Report. Issues Addressed in the Windows_PowerShell_Automations_v105_Py3 PowerPack Release can be found in the Release Notes10Views0likes0CommentsMicrosoft: Exchange Server v102 PowerPack Release Notification
We are pleased to announce that the Microsoft: Exchange Server v102 PowerPack has been released. The download for this release can be found on the Support Portal under the PowerPack filename: Enhancements and Issues Addressed The following enhancements and addressed issues are included in this release: Resolved an issue to ensure continued data collection for the "Microsoft: Exchange TPS Transport Database Performance" and "Microsoft: Exchange MBS Database Performance" Dynamic Applications by adding a "- ErrorAction SilentlyContinue" flag in the PowerShell script to suppress errors. (Case: 00342636) Added the "Microsoft: Exchange Server Transport Queues" Dynamic Application to the PowerPack. Updated the PowerPack to support dcm creation so that you have the option to switch between dcm mode and discovery objects mode. Please refer to the Microsoft: Exchange Server v102 PowerPack File Details in the PowerPacks section of the Support Portal for all information pertaining to the Microsoft: Exchange Server v102 PowerPack Support Status, Minimum SL1 Version, Solution Information, and Pricing Information. The Microsoft: Exchange Server v102 PowerPack Release File Details also contains links to the Release Notes, Manual, and PowerPack Info Report. Issues Addressed in the Microsoft: Exchange Server v102 PowerPack Release can be found in the Release Notes6Views0likes0CommentsMicrosoft Teams SyncPack v2.0.0 and Microsoft Teams Automation PowerPack v200
Hello, We are pleased to announce the GA release of the Microsoft Teams v2.0.0 SyncPack and the Microsoft Teams v200 Automation PowerPack integrations for PowerFlow. These releases represent a complete re-architecture of the Teams integration and was driven by a change by Microsoft to the ways Teams works, as detailed in this blog post last fall. Essentially, Microsoft 365 Connectors have been retired, and Microsoft Power Automate was introduced as a replacement. Our new packs make use of Microsoft Power Automate. Please read the release notes and manual carefully, as we have included important details you will need to know before configuring your integration. Here are some highlights from the release notes: Updated the "Create Channel For Event" application to trigger event notification in Microsoft Teams based on the "ms_teams_webhook_url" configuration option, which is a webhook URL generated from Microsoft Teams. When acknowledging an event in Teams, the username of the user who acknowledged the event message is now displayed in SL1. When an event occurs and the event message is posted to Teams, you have three options for handling the event message: Add Note Acknowledge Resolve Added the "enable_existing_channel" configuration option to the "Create Channel For Event" application to allow event notifications to post to an existing Teams channel specified in the "channel_id" configuration option. Updated the "Delete Event From SL1" step name to "Resolve Event From SL1". The Microsoft Teams PowerPack will now create events and event notifications for both major and critical events. Removed the "Major Event Notification to MS Teams" application from the SyncPack. The PowerPack now handles both Critical and Major event notifications using the "Create Channel for Event" application. Removed the "Outage" and "Create Channel Event Notification" applications from the SyncPack. Previously, a refresh token was used to gather user information from adaptive card reactions. The refresh token was removed, and now the user ID is retrieved directly from the workflow using authentication through the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL). Optimized the "Microsoft Teams Power Automate" application by reducing API permissions to ensure minimal permission exposure while maintaining essential functionality. This enhancement improves security and aligns with best practices for access control. Microsoft is changing its API policy and the way to use it for adaptive cards. As a result, ScienceLogic has upgraded this SyncPack with the Microsoft authentication library, which is the new way to interact with Microsoft applications in a more authenticated process. For more information, see Microsoft's documentation on MSAL . NOTE: Group calling is not available currently with these packs. Thank you, Release Management14Views0likes0CommentsCisco: Wireless v105 Py3 PowerPack Release Notification
We are pleased to announce that the Cisco: Wireless v105 Py3 PowerPack has been released. The download for this release can be found on the Support Portal under the PowerPack filename: Enhancements and Issues Addressed The following enhancements and addressed issues are included in this release: The PowerPack was updated for Python 3.6 compatibility. The Collector Affinity was set to Root device collector in all the Dynamic Applications. The "Cisco: WLC AP Config" Dynamic Application was updated to address an issue in which the MAC Addresses collection objects stored using a space instead of semicolon. Please refer to the Cisco: Wireless v105 Py3 PowerPack File Details in the PowerPacks section of the Support Portal for all information pertaining to the Cisco: Wireless v105 Py3 PowerPack Support Status, Minimum SL1 Version, Solution Information, and Pricing Information. The Cisco: Wireless v105 Py3 PowerPack Release File Details also contains links to the Release Notes, Manual, and PowerPack Info Report. Issues Addressed in the Cisco: Wireless v105 Py3 PowerPack Release can be found in the Release Notes11Views0likes0CommentsDell EMC: Unity v103 Py3 PowerPack Release Notification
We are pleased to announce that the Dell EMC: Unity v103 Py3 PowerPack has been released. The download for this release can be found on the Support Portal under the PowerPack filename: Enhancements and Issues Addressed The following enhancements and addressed issues are included in this release: Updated the PowerPack for Python 3.6-compatibility using Snippet Framework. Added the "Dell EMC: Unity Example SF" universal example credential. Removed the following "Dell EMC: Unity LUN Discovery" Dynamic Application collection objects, as the "Dell EMC: Unity LUN Config" Dynamic Application collects the same information: Current Owner Default Owner Health State LUN Size LUN Type Thin Tiering Policy Updated the Collector Affinity to assigned collector in all Dynamic Applications. Updated the "Dell EMC: Unity Classify Root Device Class" run book action so that it no longer uses the "EM7 Central Database" credential. NOTE: After you update the PowerPack to version 103, ScienceLogic recommends that you edit the "Dell EMC: Unity Classify Root Device Class" run book action to change the Snippet Credential field to None. Please refer to the Dell EMC: Unity v103 Py3 PowerPack File Details in the PowerPacks section of the Support Portal for all information pertaining to the Dell EMC: Unity v103 Py3 PowerPack Support Status, Minimum SL1 Version, Solution Information, and Pricing Information. The Dell EMC: Unity v103 Py3 PowerPack Release File Details also contains links to the Release Notes, Manual, and PowerPack Info Report. Issues Addressed in the Dell EMC: Unity v103 Py3 PowerPack Release can be found in the Release Notes10Views0likes0CommentsSL1 Ibiza 12.3.1 Release Notification
We are pleased to announce that SL1 Ibiza 12.3.1 is now available. The release and documentation can be accessed using the following links: .iso: .siloupdate: If you are planning to upgrade to SL1 Ibiza 12.3.1, be advised of the following: You can upgrade to this release directly from SL1,, 12.2.3,, 12.2.5, 12.2.6, and 12.3.0. You can also upgrade directly from SL1 12.1.2 if all of your SL1 appliances have been converted to OL8. If you are already on 12.1.2, you should upgrade directly to 12.3.1 without consuming the 12.2.x releases. If you are on or 12.1.1, you should upgrade to 12.1.2, convert to OL8, and then upgrade directly to 12.3.1. STIG-compliant users can deploy this release; 12.2.x and 12.3.0 STIG-compliant users can upgrade to this release. Users who are on an 11.x MUD system cannot upgrade to this release; they must first follow the approved conversion process from 11.x MUD to STIG. For more information, see the section on STIG Support. AWS deployments that are using Aurora 3 can upgrade to this release. If you are currently deployed using Aurora 2, you can upgrade to this release but must perform a post-upgrade Aurora 2 to 3 conversion. SL1 12.3.1 is Department of Defense Information Network (DoDIN)-certified. For more information, see the Sl1 Ibiza 12.3.1 release notes: Automation Utilities v201 PowerPack Release Notification
We are pleased to announce that the Datacenter Automation Utilities v201 PowerPack has been released. The download for this release can be found on the Support Portal under the PowerPack filename: The following enhancements and addressed issues are included in version 201 of the "Datacenter Automation Utilities" PowerPack: Addressed an issue that was preventing the run book actions in this PowerPack from working properly with the SL1 agent. The updates for this issue are supported on SL1 12.3.1 or later. NOTE: If this is a new installation of this PowerPack, you will need to enable all automation policies in the PowerPack before you can use them. NOTE: The Monitoring Guide needed no update from previous v200 so v200 is included here. Please refer to the Datacenter Automation Utilities v201 PowerPack File Details in the PowerPacks section of the Support Portal for all information pertaining to the Datacenter Automation Utilities v201 PowerPack Support Status, Minimum SL1 Version, Solution Information, and Pricing Information. The Datacenter Automation Utilities v201 PowerPack Release File Details also contains links to the Release Notes, Manual, and PowerPack Info Report. Issues Addressed in the Datacenter Automation Utilities v201 PowerPack Release can be found in the Release Notes11Views1like0CommentsLinux SSH Automations v107 Py3 PowerPack Release Notification
We are pleased to announce that the Linux SSH Automations v107 Py3 PowerPack has been released. The download for this release can be found on the Support Portal under the PowerPack filename: Enhancements and Issues Addressed The following enhancements and addressed issues are included this release: Made updates to make the PowerPack compatible with Python 3, including updates to the libraries and execution environments for Python 3.6. The PowerPack now includes the following automation policies, and each Policy Type was updated to Active Events/User Initiated: Linux SSH: Illicit Process Remediation Linux SSH: Process Restart Remediation Linux SSH: Run CPU Diagnostic Commands Linux SSH: Run File System Diagnostic Commands Linux SSH: Run Interface Error/Discard Diagnostic Commands Linux SSH: Run Interface Utilization Diagnostic Commands Linux SSH: Run Memory/Swap Diagnostic Commands Linux SSH: Run System-Storage Diagnostic Commands NOTE: All automation policies in the PowerPack are disabled by default and must be enabled for use. NOTE: All automation policies in this PowerPack require the target device to be part of the "Linux Automation" device group. The PowerPack now includes the following run book actions: Linux CPU Diagnostic Commands Linux File System Diagnostic Commands Linux Illicit Process Remediation Linux Interface Error/Discard Diagnostic Commands Linux Interface Utilization Diagnostic Linux Memory Dmidecode Command Linux Memory/Swap Diagnostic Commands Linux Process Restart Remediation Linux System-Storage Diagnostic Commands Linux Tcpdump Command Added the following parameter to the "Execute Shell Commands" action type (version 2.2): dynamic_app_guid:Specifies the globally unique ID number (GUID) assigned to the Dynamic Application by SL1. You can specify multiple Dynamic Application IDs, separated by commas. If the credential_id parameter is not specified, SL1 will use the dynamic_app_guid parameter to determine the credential. If this value is not specified, or if it is an empty string, SL1 runs a query against the database to get the credential details. The default value for this parameter corresponds to the GUID value in the "Linux: Configuration Discovery" Dynamic Application. Enabled passwordless sudo access on the client being monitored to ensure that run book automations that use sudo in the commands work as expected. For more information, see the "Configuring Linux Devices" topic in the Linux SSH Automations PowerPack manual. Removed the write_password_after_command parameter from the "Execute Shell Commands" custom action type. Please refer to the Linux SSH Automations v107 Py3 PowerPack File Details in the PowerPacks section of the Support Portal for all information pertaining to the Linux SSH Automations v107 Py3 PowerPack Support Status, Minimum SL1 Version, Solution Information, and Pricing Information. The Linux SSH Automations v107 Py3 PowerPack Release File Details also contains links to the Release Notes, Manual, and PowerPack Info Report. Issues Addressed in the Linux SSH Automations v107 Py3 PowerPack Release can be found in the Release Notes10Views1like0CommentsJuniper Mist v100.1 PowerPack Release Notification
We are pleased to announce that the Juniper Mist v100.1 PowerPack has been released. The download for this release can be found on the Support Portal under the PowerPack filename: The following enhancements and addressed issues are included this release for Juniper Mist: Added support for collection using a proxy to the PowerPack. For more information about using a proxy, see the Juniper: Mist manual.. Added a divide by zero check to the "Memory Utilization" presentation object in the "Mist: AP Statistics" Dynamic Application. Please refer to the Juniper Mist v100.1 PowerPack File Details in the PowerPacks section of the Support Portal for all information pertaining to the Juniper Mist v100.1 PowerPack Support Status, Minimum SL1 Version, Solution Information, and Pricing Information. The Juniper Mist v100.1 PowerPack Release File Details also contains links to the Release Notes, Manual, and PowerPack Info Report. Issues Addressed in the Juniper Mist v100.1 PowerPack Release can be found in the Release Notes14Views0likes0CommentsHPE Edge Connect (Silver Peak) v200 Py3 PowerPack Release Notification
We are pleased to announce that the HPE Edge Connect v200 Py3 PowerPack has been released. The download for this release can be found on the Support Portal under the PowerPack filename: Enhancements and Issues Addressed: Updated the PowerPack to be compatible with Python 3 Converted all Dynamic Applications to Python 3. Added two new Dynamic Applications to the PowerPack: HPE: Edge Connect Appliance Memory Performance HPE: Edge Connect Appliance CPU Performance NOTE: Both of the "HPE: Edge Connect Appliance Memory Performance" and "HPE: Edge Connect Appliance CPU Performance" Dynamic Applications are disabled by default. Enabling the "HPE: Edge Connect Appliance CPU Performance" Dynamic Application may cause performance issues on the orchestrator due to the Dynamic Application calling the API for each appliance device. Removed the "REST: Performance Monitor" Dynamic Application from the PowerPack, as it is not compatible with the Snippet Framework. IMPORTANT: Before upgrading to version 200 of the PowerPack, ScienceLogic recommends unaligning the "REST: Performance Monitor" Dynamic Application from existing root virtual devices. Added the new "HPE: Edge Connect v200 API Key" UCF subtype to the PowerPack. Added the new "HPE: Edge Connect API Key Example (UCF)" example credential to the PowerPack. Added a function to the snippet of each Dynamic Application in the PowerPack that checks for an API token in the headers. If one is found, you will receive a warning that instructs you to move the token to the "Embedded Password [%P]" field. NOTE: ScienceLogic does not recommend storing tokens in plain text fields, as this goes against security best practices. Please refer to the HPE Edge Connect v200 Py3 PowerPack File Details in the PowerPacks section of the Support Portal for all information pertaining to the HPE Edge Connect v200 Py3 PowerPack Support Status, Minimum SL1 Version, Solution Information, and Pricing Information. The HPE Edge Connect v200 Py3 PowerPack Release File Details also contains links to the Release Notes, Manual, and PowerPack Info Report. Issues Addressed in the HPE Edge Connect v200 Py3 PowerPack Release can be found in the Release Notes.10Views0likes0CommentsDocker v108 Py3 PowerPack Release Notification
We are pleased to announce that the Docker v108 Py3 PowerPack has been released. The download for this release can be found on the Support Portal under the PowerPack filename: The following enhancements and addressed issues are included this release: Updated the PowerPack to be compatible with Python 3.6 (SOL-27653) Addressed an issue that caused the "Docker: Host Device Class Realignment" run book action to activate incorrectly in certain situations. As part of the fix for this issue: The "Docker: Hosts and Swarm Cluster realignment to CU id of the leader node" event policy will only be triggered by the leader node. If one or more nodes are not discovered, they will not be taken into account when deciding whether to trigger the event. The run book action now uses the IP address instead of the hostname to read the cache, because the cache is saved using the IP address. (Case: 00424553) (SOL-27032) Added the "Docker Template Example" device template that you can apply to root (Docker Host) Docker devices if the required Dynamic Applications fail to align automatically during discovery. (SOL-1427) Made several modifications to example credentials in the PowerPack. Please refer to the Docker v108 Py3 PowerPack File Details in the PowerPacks section of the Support Portal for all information pertaining to the Docker v108 Py3 PowerPack Support Status, Minimum SL1 Version, Solution Information, and Pricing Information. The Docker v108 Py3 PowerPack Release File Details also contains links to the Release Notes, Manual, and PowerPack Info Report. Issues Addressed in the Docker v108 Py3 PowerPack Release can be found in the Release Notes.15Views0likes0Comments
About Product Release Notifications
This user group is for Product Release Notifications
Owned by: LindseyCarr, SueSloan, judeEmc2, jtriplett, renecantwell, and 1 moreCreated: 12 months agoOpen Group