SL1 Ibiza 12.3.1 Release Notification
We are pleased to announce that SL1 Ibiza 12.3.1 is now available. The release and documentation can be accessed using the following links: .iso: .siloupdate: If you are planning to upgrade to SL1 Ibiza 12.3.1, be advised of the following: You can upgrade to this release directly from SL1,, 12.2.3,, 12.2.5, 12.2.6, and 12.3.0. You can also upgrade directly from SL1 12.1.2 if all of your SL1 appliances have been converted to OL8. If you are already on 12.1.2, you should upgrade directly to 12.3.1 without consuming the 12.2.x releases. If you are on or 12.1.1, you should upgrade to 12.1.2, convert to OL8, and then upgrade directly to 12.3.1. STIG-compliant users can deploy this release; 12.2.x and 12.3.0 STIG-compliant users can upgrade to this release. Users who are on an 11.x MUD system cannot upgrade to this release; they must first follow the approved conversion process from 11.x MUD to STIG. For more information, see the section on STIG Support. AWS deployments that are using Aurora 3 can upgrade to this release. If you are currently deployed using Aurora 2, you can upgrade to this release but must perform a post-upgrade Aurora 2 to 3 conversion. SL1 12.3.1 is Department of Defense Information Network (DoDIN)-certified. For more information, see the Sl1 Ibiza 12.3.1 release notes: Hollywood 12.2.6 Release Notification
We are pleased to announce that SL1 Hollywood 12.2.6 is now available. The release and documentation can be accessed using the following link: If you are planning to consume SL1 Hollywood 12.2.6, be advised of the following: The 12.2.6 release is available only as a patch; there is no ISO version. SaaS deployments cannot upgrade to 12.2.6; this release is limited to on-premises deployments only. You can upgrade to 12.2.6 directly from the following SL1 versions: 12.2.3 12.2.5 On-premises STIG-compliant users can upgrade to 12.2.6. You must currently be on a version of SL1 with all appliances running on Oracle Linux 8 (OL8) before you can upgrade to 12.2.6. Users who currently use Python 3.9 execution environments for Dynamic Applications and Run Book Automations should not upgrade to 12.2.6. Due to a known issue, Python 3.9 is not supported in this release. You cannot upgrade to SL1 12.2.6 in the following scenarios: You are on a SaaS deployment of SL1. You have not yet deployed or upgraded to an SL1 version in which all appliances are running on Oracle Linux 8 (OL8). For full details, please see the SL1 Hollywood 12.2.6 release notes: Ibiza 12.3.0 Release Notification
We are pleased to announce the release of SL1 Ibiza 12.3.0. The release downloads can be accessed using the following links: ISO image: siloupdate (patch): Request AMI images via portal: Azure images (VHD) can be downloaded from the Image Downloads page Release documents can be found via the following links: 12.3.0 Release Notes: 12.3.0 Getting Started: 12.3.0 Product Changes: Release Ibiza 12.3.0 includes several new features: Skylar AI Integration: Skylar AI page in SLI represents the Skylar AI engine, which gathers and analyzes data from SL1 for anomaly detection and predictive alerting. Anomaly Detection: The Machine Learning page was renamed Anomaly Detection, and the Machine Learning Thresholds page was renamed Anomaly Detection Thresholds. Events: Added a new Skylar Analytics Summary panel to the Event Investigator page to show predictive alerts from Skylar AI. Business Service: The Business Services and Service Investigator pages have been updated to include new features, such as new information in the Timeline panel on the Service Investigator page. Device Management: Added a new Relationships and Membership panel to the Device Investigator. Dashboard: Improved data visibility and management for Dashboard widgets. Package Update: Multiple package updates to improve security and system performance Python 3 support: Additional core SL1 features have now been updated to support Python 3. Additional new features and enhancements can be found in the release notes. Before deploying Ibiza 12.3.0, please read the following notes: There is a potential issue impacting collectors after upgrade. For details please see KBA: Because of the deprecation of the legacy version of Data Pull in SL1 version 12.1.2 and, before you can upgrade to 12.3.0, you must first upgrade to 12.1.2 or, or install ( is ISO only). If you are currently on SL1 12.1.0.x or 12.1.1 and all of your appliances are running on Oracle Linux 8 (OL8), you can upgrade to 12.1.2 or and then upgrade to 12.3.0. For versions 12.2.0 and later, the SL1 platform can be deployed only on Oracle Linux 8 (OL8) operating systems. All customers who are upgrading from a version of SL1 that runs fully or partially on OL7 must first upgrade to SL1 12.1.2 and then convert all appliances to OL8 before you can upgrade to SL1 12.2.0 or later. If you take no action before January 30, 2025, all older SL1 systems with OL7 will continue to run, but ScienceLogic will not support them, and the systems might not be secure. For upgrade instructions and important notes about upgrading to 12.1.2, see the SL1 Golden Gate 12.1.2 Release Notes. For more information, see the OL8 Conversion Resource Center on the ScienceLogic Support portal. For additional details, please read Ibiza 12.3.0 release notes58Views0likes0CommentsSL1 Hollywood 12.2.5 Release Notification
We are pleased to announce that SL1 Hollywood 12.2.5 is now available. The release and documentation can be accessed using the following link: If you are planning to consume SL1 Hollywood 12.2.5, be advised of the following: The 12.2.5 release is available only as a patch; there is no ISO version. SaaS deployments cannot upgrade to 12.2.5; this release is limited to on-premises deployments only. You can upgrade to 12.2.5 directly from the following SL1 versions: 12.2.3 On-premises STIG-compliant users can upgrade to 12.2.5. You must currently be on a version of SL1 with all appliances running on Oracle Linux 8 (OL8) before you can upgrade to 12.2.5. Users who currently use Python 3.9 execution environments for Dynamic Applications and Run Book Automations should not upgrade to 12.2.5. Due to a known issue, Python 3.9 is not supported in this release. A fix for this issue is planned for a future version. For full details, please see the SL1 Hollywood 12.2.5 release notes: Hollywood Release Notification
We are pleased to announce that SL1 Hollywood is now available. The release and documentation can be accessed using the following link: Please note that The SL1 Hollywood 12.2.4 release has been removed from the ScienceLogic Support portal and replaced with the release. This is due to an added security update. release contains additional security updates on top of 12.2.4 release. You can upgrade to directly from the following SL1 versions: 12.2.3 IMPORTANT: If you are currently on SL1 12.1.2, do not upgrade to until ScienceLogic publishes upgrade instructions in a Knowledge Base article. For full details, please see the SL1 Hollywood release notes: Hollywood 12.2.4 Release Notification
We are pleased to announce that SL1 Hollywood 12.2.4 is now available. The release and documentation can be accessed using the following link: The release contains enhancement in Logging and Security updates, and updates in Credentials, Data Collection and Retention, Device Management, Discovery, Events, Monitoring Policies, System Update, and Topology If you are planning to consume SL1 Hollywood 12.2.4, be advised of the following: This release is available only as a patch; there is no ISO version. You can upgrade to 12.2.4 directly from the following SL1 versions: 12.1.2, if all SL1 appliances are running on Oracle Linux 8 (OL8) 12.2.3 If you are currently on SL1 or 12.1.1 and all of your appliances are running on Oracle Linux 8 (OL8), you can upgrade to 12.1.2 or and then to 12.2.4. STIG-compliant users can upgrade to 12.2.4. You must currently be on a version of SL1 with all appliances running on Oracle Linux 8 (OL8) before you can upgrade to 12.2.4. AWS deployments that are using Aurora 3 cannot upgrade to 12.2.4. Users who currently use Python 3.9 execution environments for Dynamic Applications and Run Book Automations should not upgrade to 12.2.4. Due to a known issue, Python 3.9 is not supported in this release. A fix for this issue is planned for version 12.2.5. After upgrading to 12.2.4 and running a security scanning tool against your SL1 appliances, you might experience an issue where the scan lists several "Oracle Linux 8 : container-tools" ELSA security findings. This is due to a known issue that is preventing SL1 from removing certain unneeded packages during the upgrade process for this release. If this occurs, you must perform a manual workaround to remove those packages. For full details, please see the SL1 Hollywood 12.2.4 release notes: GoldenGate 12.1.2 Release Notification
We are pleased to announce that SL1 GoldenGate 12.1.2 is now available. The release and documentation can be accessed using the following link: SL12.1.2 Patch Bundle: SL1 12.1.2 images: .iso is available now, and .VHD availability will be announced shortly. The release contains update in support of Aurora 3, modifications to data pull to use JSON, a OL8 bulk Collector conversion utility, fixes for various defects, and package updates. For full details, please see the SL1 GoldenGate 12.1.2 release notes: Before upgrading to SL1 12.1.2, please review version 100 of the SL1: Execution Environment Check PowerPack, which includes a Dynamic Application you can use to detect problematic execution environments that may have difficulty running or working properly after upgrading to SL1 version 12.1.2.Solved120Views1like4CommentsSL1 Hollywood Release Notification
We are pleased to announce that SL1 Hollywood is now released. You can follow this link to download the release and its documentation. This version includes modifications of data pull to use JSON, changes to System Updates so that the Database Server or Data Engine are updated first, routine package updates, and package updates to address known security vulnerabilities. For full details, please see the SL1 Hollywood release notes.30Views0likes0Comments