ServiceNow Incident Sync Pack & RBAs
Hi all,
I am currently trying to configure some Run book automation policies to enrich data in ServiceNow incidents, sending the RBA output into the Incident worklog, and have hit a bit of a road block on the best way to configure the RBA criteria.
Background: We use a dedicated "ServiceNow: [Incident] - Add/Update" RBA for each organisation, which is triggered on event creation, to effectively "Auto Ticket" on all events for specific SL orgs (excluding masked and child rollup).
Challenge: In my Enrichment RBA's I want to trigger using "and external ticket IS created", to ensure that I am only posting updates when there has been a ServiceNow incident created. However the OOTB ServiceNow Incident sync pack is updating the events external ticket ref field with various messages e.g. "Sync Successful", before the event is updated with the Incident Number.
As soon as the Incident Create updates the events external ticket ref field, by Automation policy gets triggered (I assume because from the RBA's point of view, it has a value in the field) to update the Worklog.
Does anyone have any suggestions on the best way to ensure that an "Enrichment" RBA is only triggered only once it has a real SN incident number returned?
Many thanks in advance.