How to Create a Nexus Community Member Account
The Nexus Community is open for all to join. Here is some guidance and specifics for how to create your ScienceLogic account and how to ask for assistance. From the Home Page select the Register Button (Upper Right-Hand Corner) This takes you to the Sign Up / Login Page Select Sign Up Follow the steps on the Account Registration page: Here are additional Resources for creating and managing your ScienceLogic User Account: How do I create a customer user account with ScienceLogic? If you don't have a ScienceLogic customer user account yet, go to and click Login. On the Login page, please follow the instructions under 'Sign Up'. After you sign up, be sure to complete your Profile and Account information before proceeding. What should I do if I forget my ScienceLogic Customer password? You may reset your password on here. What if my email address has changed? We have various systems that need to be updated when your email address changes. If you require assistance changing your email address, please contact us at Is there a separate login for the ScienceLogic Community Nexus site? The ScienceLogic Support Center (, ScienceLogic Nexus Community (, and ScienceLogic Training ( all use a common username and password. Once you are logged in to the ScienceLogic Customer Identity site, you can login to the different sites automatically. What are the security and password requirements for my ScienceLogic customer user? Your ScienceLogic customer user account follows industry and security best practices requiring a password reset every 90 days. Your password must adhere to the following rules: You cannot reuse any of your last 3 passwords. Your new password must be at least 8 characters in length. Your password must contain at least an alpha character, a numeric character, and at least one special character. Special caracters include the following: ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~. If you have any problems resetting your ScienceLogic customer user account, please email our Customer Ops Team at Contact our Customer Accounts team if you need further assistance. Via email: customer-accounts@sciencelogic.com498Views1like0Comments