Microsoft Teams SyncPack v2.0.0 and Microsoft Teams Automation PowerPack v200
Hello, We are pleased to announce the GA release of the Microsoft Teams v2.0.0 SyncPack and the Microsoft Teams v200 Automation PowerPack integrations for PowerFlow. These releases represent a complete re-architecture of the Teams integration and was driven by a change by Microsoft to the ways Teams works, as detailed in this blog post last fall. Essentially, Microsoft 365 Connectors have been retired, and Microsoft Power Automate was introduced as a replacement. Our new packs make use of Microsoft Power Automate. Please read the release notes and manual carefully, as we have included important details you will need to know before configuring your integration. Here are some highlights from the release notes: Updated the "Create Channel For Event" application to trigger event notification in Microsoft Teams based on the "ms_teams_webhook_url" configuration option, which is a webhook URL generated from Microsoft Teams. When acknowledging an event in Teams, the username of the user who acknowledged the event message is now displayed in SL1. When an event occurs and the event message is posted to Teams, you have three options for handling the event message: Add Note Acknowledge Resolve Added the "enable_existing_channel" configuration option to the "Create Channel For Event" application to allow event notifications to post to an existing Teams channel specified in the "channel_id" configuration option. Updated the "Delete Event From SL1" step name to "Resolve Event From SL1". The Microsoft Teams PowerPack will now create events and event notifications for both major and critical events. Removed the "Major Event Notification to MS Teams" application from the SyncPack. The PowerPack now handles both Critical and Major event notifications using the "Create Channel for Event" application. Removed the "Outage" and "Create Channel Event Notification" applications from the SyncPack. Previously, a refresh token was used to gather user information from adaptive card reactions. The refresh token was removed, and now the user ID is retrieved directly from the workflow using authentication through the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL). Optimized the "Microsoft Teams Power Automate" application by reducing API permissions to ensure minimal permission exposure while maintaining essential functionality. This enhancement improves security and aligns with best practices for access control. Microsoft is changing its API policy and the way to use it for adaptive cards. As a result, ScienceLogic has upgraded this SyncPack with the Microsoft authentication library, which is the new way to interact with Microsoft applications in a more authenticated process. For more information, see Microsoft's documentation on MSAL . NOTE: Group calling is not available currently with these packs. Thank you, Release Management8Views0likes0Comments