Juniper Mist v100.1 PowerPack Release Notification
We are pleased to announce that the Juniper Mist v100.1 PowerPack has been released. The download for this release can be found on the Support Portal under the PowerPack filename: The following enhancements and addressed issues are included this release for Juniper Mist: Added support for collection using a proxy to the PowerPack. For more information about using a proxy, see the Juniper: Mist manual.. Added a divide by zero check to the "Memory Utilization" presentation object in the "Mist: AP Statistics" Dynamic Application. Please refer to the Juniper Mist v100.1 PowerPack File Details in the PowerPacks section of the Support Portal for all information pertaining to the Juniper Mist v100.1 PowerPack Support Status, Minimum SL1 Version, Solution Information, and Pricing Information. The Juniper Mist v100.1 PowerPack Release File Details also contains links to the Release Notes, Manual, and PowerPack Info Report. Issues Addressed in the Juniper Mist v100.1 PowerPack Release can be found in the Release Notes4Views0likes0CommentsPossible deprecation of legacy HPE Edge Connect authentication
Hello all! We are working on an update to the HPE Edge Connect PowerPack that converts the dynamic applications to use the snippet framework. This will improve supportability, simplify troubleshooting, improve performance, and make it easier to customize the collections to suit your needs. As part of this, we are considering dropping support for "cookie" auth and requiring users to use API keys to connect SL1 to the Edge Connect Orchestrator. If you have a use case that precludes using an API key for this integration, please reach out and help us understand your parameters. Thanks!Solved18Views0likes1CommentHPE Edge Connect (Silver Peak) v200 Py3 PowerPack Release Notification
We are pleased to announce that the HPE Edge Connect v200 Py3 PowerPack has been released. The download for this release can be found on the Support Portal under the PowerPack filename: Enhancements and Issues Addressed: Updated the PowerPack to be compatible with Python 3 Converted all Dynamic Applications to Python 3. Added two new Dynamic Applications to the PowerPack: HPE: Edge Connect Appliance Memory Performance HPE: Edge Connect Appliance CPU Performance NOTE: Both of the "HPE: Edge Connect Appliance Memory Performance" and "HPE: Edge Connect Appliance CPU Performance" Dynamic Applications are disabled by default. Enabling the "HPE: Edge Connect Appliance CPU Performance" Dynamic Application may cause performance issues on the orchestrator due to the Dynamic Application calling the API for each appliance device. Removed the "REST: Performance Monitor" Dynamic Application from the PowerPack, as it is not compatible with the Snippet Framework. IMPORTANT: Before upgrading to version 200 of the PowerPack, ScienceLogic recommends unaligning the "REST: Performance Monitor" Dynamic Application from existing root virtual devices. Added the new "HPE: Edge Connect v200 API Key" UCF subtype to the PowerPack. Added the new "HPE: Edge Connect API Key Example (UCF)" example credential to the PowerPack. Added a function to the snippet of each Dynamic Application in the PowerPack that checks for an API token in the headers. If one is found, you will receive a warning that instructs you to move the token to the "Embedded Password [%P]" field. NOTE: ScienceLogic does not recommend storing tokens in plain text fields, as this goes against security best practices. Please refer to the HPE Edge Connect v200 Py3 PowerPack File Details in the PowerPacks section of the Support Portal for all information pertaining to the HPE Edge Connect v200 Py3 PowerPack Support Status, Minimum SL1 Version, Solution Information, and Pricing Information. The HPE Edge Connect v200 Py3 PowerPack Release File Details also contains links to the Release Notes, Manual, and PowerPack Info Report. Issues Addressed in the HPE Edge Connect v200 Py3 PowerPack Release can be found in the Release Notes.7Views0likes0CommentsDocker v108 Py3 PowerPack Release Notification
We are pleased to announce that the Docker v108 Py3 PowerPack has been released. The download for this release can be found on the Support Portal under the PowerPack filename: The following enhancements and addressed issues are included this release: Updated the PowerPack to be compatible with Python 3.6 (SOL-27653) Addressed an issue that caused the "Docker: Host Device Class Realignment" run book action to activate incorrectly in certain situations. As part of the fix for this issue: The "Docker: Hosts and Swarm Cluster realignment to CU id of the leader node" event policy will only be triggered by the leader node. If one or more nodes are not discovered, they will not be taken into account when deciding whether to trigger the event. The run book action now uses the IP address instead of the hostname to read the cache, because the cache is saved using the IP address. (Case: 00424553) (SOL-27032) Added the "Docker Template Example" device template that you can apply to root (Docker Host) Docker devices if the required Dynamic Applications fail to align automatically during discovery. (SOL-1427) Made several modifications to example credentials in the PowerPack. Please refer to the Docker v108 Py3 PowerPack File Details in the PowerPacks section of the Support Portal for all information pertaining to the Docker v108 Py3 PowerPack Support Status, Minimum SL1 Version, Solution Information, and Pricing Information. The Docker v108 Py3 PowerPack Release File Details also contains links to the Release Notes, Manual, and PowerPack Info Report. Issues Addressed in the Docker v108 Py3 PowerPack Release can be found in the Release Notes.12Views0likes0CommentsAMQP: RabbitMQ v103 Py3 PowerPack Release Notification
We are pleased to announce that the AMQP: RabbitMQ v103 Py3 PowerPack has been released. The download for this release can be found on the Support Portal under the PowerPack filename: The following enhancements and addressed issues are included this release of the "AMPQ: RabbitMQ": Updated this PowerPack to be Python3 compatible. NOTE: When discovering a standalone RabbitMQ device or cluster, you must use this PowerPack in conjunction with the Cisco: Cloud Center PowerPack to properly classify the RabbitMQ device or cluster. If you do not, the RabbitMQ device or cluster will remain classified as "Pingable". Please refer to the AMQP: RabbitMQ v103 Py3 PowerPack File Details in the PowerPacks section of the Support Portal for all information pertaining to the AMQP: RabbitMQ v103 Py3 PowerPack Support Status, Minimum SL1 Version, Solution Information, and Pricing Information. The AMQP: RabbitMQ v103 Py3 PowerPack Release File Details also contains links to the Release Notes, Manual, and PowerPack Info Report. Issues Addressed in the AMQP: RabbitMQ v103 Py3 PowerPack Release can be found in the Release Notes.6Views0likes0CommentsF5: Big IP DNS v101 Py3 PowerPack Release Notification
We are pleased to announce that the F5: Big IP DNS v101 Py3 PowerPack has been released. The download for this release can be found on the Support Portal under the PowerPack filename: The following enhancements and addressed issues are included in this release of the"F5: BIG-IP DNS": Updated the PowerPack to be compatible with Python 3. Updated the PowerPack to support the BIG-IP 4800 device class and to ensure the correct device classification icon appears in the current user interface when viewing in the Device Manager and Device Properties pages. Addressed an issue that caused storage object failures in the "F5 BIG-IP DNS: Pool Configuration" and " F5 BIG-IP DNS: Pool Member Configuration" Dynamic Applications. (Case: 00344259) Updated the Collector Affinity for the Dynamic Applications to Root Device Collector for this PowerPack. Please refer to the F5: Big IP DNS v101 Py3 PowerPack File Details in the PowerPacks section of the Support Portal for all information pertaining to the F5: Big IP DNS v101 Py3 PowerPack Support Status, Minimum SL1 Version, Solution Information, and Pricing Information. The F5: Big IP DNS v101 Py3 PowerPack Release File Details also contains links to the Release Notes, Manual, and PowerPack Info Report. Issues Addressed in the F5: Big IP DNS v101 Py3 PowerPack Release can be found in the Release Notes.15Views0likes0CommentsIBM: Tivoli Storage Manager v103 PowerPack Release Notification
We are pleased to announce that the IBM: Tivoli Storage Manager v103 PowerPack has been released. The download for this release can be found on the Support Portal under the PowerPack filename: The following enhancements and addressed issues are included this release of the "IBM: Tivoli Storage Manager": Updated the PowerPack to be Python3 compliant. Please refer to the IBM: Tivoli Storage Manager v103 PowerPack File Details in the PowerPacks section of the Support Portal for all information pertaining to the IBM: Tivoli Storage Manager v103 PowerPack Support Status, Minimum SL1 Version, Solution Information, and Pricing Information. The IBM: Tivoli Storage Manager v103 PowerPack Release File Details also contains links to the Release Notes, Manual, and PowerPack Info Report. Issues Addressed in the IBM: Tivoli Storage Manager v103 PowerPack Release can be found in the Release Notes.9Views1like0CommentsAruba Central v200.2 PowerPack Release Notification
We are pleased to announce that the Aruba Central v200.2 PowerPack has been released. The download for this release can be found on the Support Portal under the PowerPack filename: The following enhancements and addressed issues are included this release of the "Aruba Central": Addressed an issue with pagination that prevented all devices from being discovered in SL1. This fix removes all restrictions on the number of Aruba devices SL1 can discover. (Support Case: 00469767) Added "Site Count" as a new collection object in the "Aruba Central Component Counts" Dynamic Application. Please refer to the Aruba Central v200.2 PowerPack File Details in the PowerPacks section of the Support Portal for all information pertaining to the Aruba Central v200.2 PowerPack Support Status, Minimum SL1 Version, Solution Information, and Pricing Information. The Aruba Central v200.2 PowerPack Release File Details also contains links to the Release Notes, Manual, and PowerPack Info Report. Issues Addressed in the Aruba Central v200.2 PowerPack Release can be found in the Release Notes.17Views1like0CommentsNetApp ONTAP Rest v100 PowerPack Release Notification
We are pleased to announce that the NetApp ONTAP Rest v100 PowerPack has been released. The download for this release can be found on the Support Portal under the PowerPack filename: Features Addressed This initial release includes the following features: The following Dynamic Applications to discover and collect data from the ONTAP REST API are included in the PowerPack: NetApp: Cluster Configuration o NetApp: Clusters Performance NetApp: Storage Pool Performance NetApp: Node Container Discovery NetApp: Node Configuration NetApp: Node Discovery NetApp: SVM Container Discovery NetApp: Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) Configuration NetApp: Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) Discovery NetApp: CIFS Protocol for SVM Performance NetApp: Node Performance Device classes for each of the Net App component devices monitored. An event policy and corresponding alert that trigger when NetApp component devices meet certain status criteria. A run book action policy and a run book automation policy for aligning Dynamic Application. Sample credentials and guided discovery for discovering NetApp component devices. Please refer to the NetApp ONTAP Rest v100 PowerPack File Details in the PowerPacks section of the Support Portal for all information pertaining to the NetApp ONTAP Rest v100 PowerPack Support Status, Minimum SL1 Version, Solution Information, and Pricing Information. The NetApp ONTAP Rest v100 PowerPack Release File Details also contains links to the Release Notes, Manual, and PowerPack Info Report. Issues Addressed in the NetApp ONTAP Rest v100 PowerPack Release can be found in the Release Notes.5Views1like0Comments