Forum Discussion

MarkMunford's avatar
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3 months ago

London Tech Connect - June 18th

****UPDATE - 17 June****

We've reserved a space at Tank & Paddle, Bishopsgate from 7:30pm this evening (Monday)

Please let me know if you can join us, Ben and I look forward to seeing you there.




Just opening a discussion on here to provide an opportunity for anyone arriving into London early for the Tech Connect to arrange a meet up for the afternoon / evening of Monday 17th June.  This isn't planned to be a ScienceLogic led event however, we're happy to book something if we need to help facilitate. 

Please add your name and time from when you'd be able to meet up and then a location can be worked out.

Any questions, feel free to add them here too.

Looking forward to seeing you all!


11 Replies

  • Hello Nexus Community Members- I wanted to share some pictures from our Tech Connect Event in London last month. It was a great success. 

    Cheers, Sara 

  • Hi all,

    Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow but, prior to this, we've reserved a table at Tank & Paddle from 7:30pm this evening (Monday) for those that are in London already or arriving soon should you wish to join us for an informal gathering!

    Please let us know if you'll be coming along by replying here.  Any problems, I'm available on email/Teams at or by call/message on 07875366760.

    Details for Tank & Paddle:

    201 Bishopsgate London, London, EC2M 3AB

    See you all soon!


  • Good morning all!

    Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow for what we're certain will be a fantastic day but first, this evening we've reserved a table at 7:30pm at Tank & Paddle (Bishopsgate) for those that would like to gather.  I'll be there so, let me know here if you will join me 😀

    If you need help, you can get me on email/Teams using or call/message me on 07875366760.

    Details for Tank & Paddle

    201 Bishopsgate London, London, EC2M 3AB


    • MarkMunford's avatar
      Icon for Employee rankEmployee

      Hi Sara, it's not happened just yet, we're looking forward to a great event this coming Tuesday!  I'm sure we'll get some pictures though 😃

  • Meldgaard's avatar
    Contributor II

    Hi everyone,

    My team and I will be arriving on the 17th and are open to meeting up in the afternoon or evening. We’re looking forward to connecting with all of you!

    Hans - Norlys

  • Ian's avatar
    Contributor II

    I am booked to travel down the day before. I am staying just off Old Street and should be free from around 18:00 by the time I get to my hotel and check in, etc.

    Ian Vickery - Glide Student and Residential

  • Hi all, 

    Scott Hemmings from NFU Mutual here.  We are a brand new SL customer so just starting our design work.  A couple of my team will be around the evening of 17th if anyone fancies dinner or drinks.

