Forum Discussion
I would like to have a better understanding of what you are requesting? You found defects as part of your testing and you found articles published about these defects.
Are you looking for details of what release after v12.1.1 these defects will be fixed in?
The published article and Known Issues articles as JamesCC mentioned above, would indicate what future release the fix is in but only if it is known at the time of writing and publishing the article.
Do you have examples of articles that do not include this information?
The known-issues link shared by James is helpful.
Need clarification if all defects and their latest status is updated in the same. For ex: Couldn't find EM-65048 details in this list.
Also, I think the articles especially with CRITICAL severity need to be revised with latest findings.
Below article is an example:
This is about a critical issue wherein event suppression not working for groups. Below are different defects raised in respective version as the issue evolved:
[EM-60621] - Event Suppression failed for both Static and Dynamic Groups in SL v12.1.0
[EM-63432] - Event Suppression failed only for Dynamic Groups in SL12.1.1. A dropfile fix was provided to fix it in v12.1.1.
During testing, I identified that the dropfile fix is only resolving issue for agentless while still not working for agents. Another defect (EM-64988) is recorded and we are awaiting a dropfile fix for the same
In the article, above details of issue in each version and about Drop file fix is not present.
It would be helpful if defect/Issue/Fix available for current version, related latest updates are also published in these articles especially CRITICAL as soon as the defects are logged. It will give clarity about latest status and will save time for us and sl support team to take next step forward without reinvestigation
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