ServiceNow CMDB v3.6.2 SyncPack
Hello, We are pleased to announce the release of the ServiceNow CMDB v3.6.2 SyncPack. The following enhancements and issues were addressed in this release: Addressed an issue that caused incorrect relationships to be sent to ServiceNow when only child devices were sent for updates. (Case: 00492036) Addressed an issue with the "Sync Devices with SQL" application that caused the device collection mode/state to always show as "active" when synced to ServiceNow, regardless of the actual device state. (Case: 00489043) Addressed an issue where CI classes in ServiceNow with a 'region' field caused issues with disconnects being sent from PowerFlow. The 'region' field from ServiceNow on a CI is now saved on the Python object as "snow_ci_region". (Case: 00493761) Updated the SyncPack to correctly handle an SL1 platform change starting in version 12.1.0 for creating custom links through GraphQL. This release is made to work with SL1 version 12.1 or later SL1 PowerFlow version 2.6.0 or later Base Steps SyncPack version 1.5.5 or later ServiceNow Base SyncPack version 3.8.2 or later ServiceNow version Tokyo or later, with Web Services enabled ScienceLogic SL1: CMDB & Incident Automation certified application version 1.0.81 With the release of this SyncPack, older versions of the ServiceNow CMDB SyncPack have been suspended. Thank you, Release Management15Views0likes0CommentsServiceNow CMDB SyncPack v3.6.1
Hello, We are pleased to announce the release of ServiceNow CMDB SyncPack version 3.6.1. Dependency Note: To use this SyncPack, you must also install "ServiceNow Base" SyncPack version 3.8.1 or later with this release. Enhancements and Issues Addressed in This Release The following issues were addressed in this release: Added "cmdb_ci_wap_network" to the customer_ci_relations_overrides configuration option on the "Sync Devices from SL1 to ServiceNow" application. Addressed an issue that caused Device sync mappings to pull directly from the configuration object in PowerFlow. (Case ID: 00447321) Addressed an issue with the "Sync Interfaces from SL1 to ServiceNow" application that caused constant updates if the interface type was included in the mappings. As part of this fix, "type_id" was added to the default mappings, which will not be sent to the "cmdb_ci_network_adapter" or "cmdb_ci_lb_vlan" tables since the field does not exist on those tables in ServiceNow. (Case: 00464089) Made a series of updates to the "Sync Interfaces from SL1 to ServiceNow" application: Made an update to ensure that the interface "object_source_id" matches the CI table destination. For example, an interface which is sent to the "dscy_switchport" table will always have a native key containing "IFSWPort". The enable_advanced_topology toggle is now false by default, which means interface to interface relations are not sent by default. Added a new JSON mapping parameter, interface_advanced_mappings, which allows you to define the mappings for the combination of interface IANA type and parent device type to a specific ServiceNow table. This configuration option is blank by default, and must be configured to define the mappings you want to use. For more information about using this parameter, see the Configuring Additional Syncs for the ServiceNow CMDB SyncPack chapter in the ServiceNow CMDB SyncPack manual. Added a new JSON mapping parameter, interface_relation_mappings, which operates similarly to the relationship overrides in the Device Sync. This parameter allows you to define which interface relationships to send to ServiceNow. This configuration option is blank by default, and must be configured to define the relationships you want to send directly. (Case ID: 00446274) NOTE: If your ServiceNow instance is domain-separated, install the latest "ScienceLogic Domain Separation (Global)" update set in ServiceNow. Ask your ScienceLogic contact for access to this update set. Thank you, Release Management20Views0likes0Comments